International Journal of Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology
Conference on
Research Paper
Interactive Learning Opportunity and Discussion Forum for the Latest in the field of Research on Neurolinguistics and Gestalt Therapy
Research Mentorship
Discussion Forum
Academic Research
Academic Partner

Glimpses of the Event
9:00 AM
Opening Note
Followed by the Inauguration of the conference by the Lighting of the Lamp Ceremony
9:30 AM
Keynote Presentation by Dr Anuradha Sovani
Welcoming and Felicitation followed by Keynote Presentation titled - "Where there is no research funding"
10:00 AM
Paper Presentation by Kremika Shobhawat
A Research Paper Presentation on the title "Hologram: An Enquiry into Neurocleanliness - A Mixed Method Study"
10:30 AM
Keynote Presentation by Dr Sasikumar Menon
Welcoming and Felicitation followed by Keynote Presentation titled "How to Make Research Innovative and Translational."
2:00 PM
11:00 AM
Paper Presentation by Aarti Asrani
Research Paper Presentation on the title "Systematic Review Study and Focused Study: Dimensions of Touch and Role of Intentions in Healing."
11:30 AM
Keynote Presentation by Samindara Sawant
Welcoming and Felicitation followed by Keynote Presentation titled "Why we should have more people getting into Psychological Research"
12:00 PM
Break for Lunch
Connect, network and collaborate for support and associations and learn, participate, interact, and share resources and updates.
1:00 PM
Paper Presentation by Rekha R Upadhyay
Research Paper Presentation on the title "Relationship Between Job Role and Identity Change"
1:30 PM
Keynote Presentation by Dr Sybil Thomas
Welcoming and Felicitation followed by Keynote Presentation titled "Problems faced by students while writing research papers"
2:00 PM
Keynote Presentation by Dr Anju Rani
Welcoming and Felicitation followed by a Keynote Presentation titled "Importance of Research in Formal Education and Statistics"
2:30 PM
Keynote Presentation by Anil Thomas
Keynote Presentation followed by delivering the closing note
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
A live demonstration of one-session therapy using modern tools of Psychology
What You Will Learn
Young Researchers
Encourages students across the globe to showcase their research skills and present them in creative content expression as per the latest APA formats.
Speakers Conclave
Brings together renowned subject matter experts in Neurolinguistics and Gestalt Psychology to share insights and wisdom that are focused on fostering learning, inspiration and transformation
Provide a space for each modality
to be explored through booths and stands. To connect, network and collaborate for supports and associations and increase brand exposure
Research Mentorship
Provides unique opportunities to qualified postgraduate students to immerse themselves in research courses and dive deep into Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology while discovering new knowledge through academic-level research and research tools.
Connect and Collaborate
Platform for students, established and budding researchers, linguists and academicians from around the world to come together to learn, participate, interact, and share resources and updates.

Certificate of Completion and Participation
The Certification is an official document issued by IJNGP International Journal of Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology that states that you have published a research paper and presented it at the Conference of Research Paper Presentation 2023. This Certification can be proof of your professional development and knowledge on the topic.
Establish Professional Credibility
Validation of Knowledge
Develop and Showcase a Skill