Journal Guidelines
The International Journal of Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology (IJNGP) is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to promoting the study & research in the areas of Neurolinguistics, Gestalt Psychology, & Therapy. IJNGP publishes research articles & reviews within the whole range of Neurolinguistics & Gestalt, serving as a platform for the enrichment, articulation, & support of the constantly emerging field of Research in Neurolinguistics, Gestalt Psychology, & Therapy.
The Journal Accepts Manuscripts From the Following Fields of Research:
Personality Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Clinical and Child Psychology
Perception, Cognition, and Cognitive Neuroscience
Positive Psychology
Psychopathology and Psychotherapy
Cultural Psychology
Individual Differences and Behaviour Genetics
Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience
Types of Manuscripts
IJNGP welcomes a variety of manuscript types that contribute significantly to the field of Neurolinguistics and Gestalt Psychology. Each type aims to advance understanding and stimulate scholarly discourse in Neurolinguistics and Gestalt Psychology.
Accepted submissions include:
Reviews require a comprehensive review of existing literature in the fields related to the journal. It must help organise, synthesise, evaluate, or identify patterns or research gaps in current literature. The manuscript should have an abstract (250 words, 4-6 Keywords) introduction, discussion, and conclusion. Any graphs, charts, or illustrations used must be original or sourced from open-access libraries to avoid copyright infringement. The literature review should provide original analysis alongside cited sources, emphasising the significance of the research topic and contributing to existing knowledge. Manuscript lengths can vary, with longer and more detailed reviews preferred. The acceptable word count is between 4000 to 8000 words, including references. References must follow the latest APA format guidelines.
Brief Reports
Brief reports serve as a platform for presenting short versions of empirical research that builds upon previously published work. It includes additional data, confirmatory results in different contexts, and small-scale studies. Brief reports in academic writing serve as platforms for focused problem-solving or preliminary evaluations. These concise manuscripts typically range from 1000 to 2000 words, ensuring brevity while addressing specific research questions or presenting preliminary findings. The abstract is limited to a maximum of 150 words, offering a succinct overview of the study. Authors can include up to three tables and figures combined to illustrate key findings efficiently
Viewpoints cover relevant topics, offering perspectives, discussing future research directions, trends, and methodologies. They are limited to a maximum of 1500 words, with an abstract of up to 150 words. Viewpoints may include up to three tables or figures combined, and there is no limit on references.