Anger is an emotion that predominantly occurs due to the failure of achieving a particular thing, task or goal. Anger is linked to the sympathetic nervous system's "fight, flight, or fright" response, which prepares humans to battle. It is essentially an effective response to stressful situations and events of life. It is biological, psychological, and social with major links to survival and preservation mechanisms of life. While social standards limit rage expression, it can be a part of an adversarial manner of coping with daily stressors.
For a wide range of clinical populations, the efficacy of psychotherapy therapies for anger, particularly cognitive behavioral therapy, is well-established. There have been evidence and instances that indicate a positive relationship between unpleasant emotions and illnesses such as atherosclerosis of coronary heart disease, according to Goldel Hill et al. (2006). (CHD). The HPA axis and sympathetic nervous system, which are activated by anger, can have a direct impact on cardiovascular disease by causing an excessive release of corticosteroids and
catecholamine. Rage can be expressed in at least three ways: it can be driven by constructive reasons (to solve a problem), or it can be motivated by deconstructive reasons (to justify someone's sentiments or to deepen their state of anger). As a result, some research found that anger increases the risk of coronary heart disease, while others indicated that in particular instances, rage manifestation can be protective. According to some data, hostile people who suppress their anger are more likely to develop substantial coronary atherosclerosis than hostile people who express their rage. According to some data, hostile people who
suppress their anger are more likely to develop substantial coronary atherosclerosis than hostile people who express their rage.

Anger, fear, grief, and thankfulness may be encouraged or discouraged in a culture. The moral interests, values, judgments, and visions of a culture will be reflected in the extent to which it fosters or discourages an emotion. People have been known to behave out of such extreme rage that they lose awareness and psychologically blackout. If culture shapes one's view of anger, it's useful to look at how other civilizations have expressed anger to see whether it's tolerated and promoted or discouraged and restricted. We can learn about a wide range of thoughts on anger in this way, thanks to comparative analysis. For example, anger in Malay means outraged, the Ifaluk term for anger means righteous indignation, and the English definition of anger according to Webster's Dictionary is a strong sense of discontent, hostility, indignation, or impatience. Anger, according to historians Herodotus and Thucydides, impairs reason and destroys relationships. Both placed a high emphasis on leaders and citizens who were able to control their fury. Anger was considered a "soul illness" by Plato and Aristotle. There has been significant ambiguity concerning emotions, keeping in mind that tolerance of rage varies from era to era and culture to culture within the general Judeo-Christian legacy. Scholars considered a reason to be superior to emotions, thinking to be superior to feeling, and dispassion to be superior to passion. According to traditional Indian philosophy, emotions are born out of desires. A craving when not satisfied or upset leads to outrage (Krodha), envy (Asuya), despondency (Dukha), and languishing.
The cognitive behaviour theory says anger is caused by several causes, including:
1. Past experiences
2. Learned behaviours
3. Genetic makeup and predispositions
4. Absence of problem-solving ability
Children may develop violent and antagonistic attitudes toward their peers and others as they grow older if they grow up in a violent environment. This acquired behaviour has the potential to turn a child into a bully. Angry adults will lash out at their close family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers. They vent their rage on others, hoping that someone else would suffer the emotional damage and trauma they have endured; they want to see someone else experience the anguish, whether it is physical, mental, or emotional.

Four types of thought processes have been pointed out by psychologists that lead to anger internally- our emotional perspective. our tolerance for annoyance, our unreasonable expectations, and our tendency to judge and categorise people into certain slots. This labelling and stereotyping reduce others to mere tags leading them to dehumanise and become unemotional towards others’ feelings.
As our stress levels rise it can lead to a reduction in our tolerance for annoyance. Workplace and school-related stress frequently spill over into our homes, affecting our families. Drugs and alcohol can cause a person to misinterpret information and actions, leading to irritability and anger. When a person feels furious, they usually exhibit some type of physiological symptoms like muscle tenseness, raised breathing, increased blood pressure, etc.
Anger has both beneficial and negative consequences. It protects and motivates us against being abused or exploited. Research showed that the scope of disposition, tension, and substance use problems was viewed as freely connected with manifestations of outrage. Painuly et al. directed a review to investigate outrage assaults in burdensome and nervousness problems.
This Blog on 'The Origin of Anger and Its Varying Effects' has been contributed by Abhinav Rai.
Abhinav has completed his undergraduate from Delhi University, Hindu College in English Literature. He loves to research and write about everything from seemingly trivial ideas to broad larger-than-life concepts that transcend human grasp. He finds linguistics and psychology incredibly fascinating and wishes to continue research in these fields. He is a wallflower that often builds his bridge to the world through words, metaphors, and interpretations. He is part of the Global Internship Research Program (GIRP). GIRP is an IJNGP initiative to encourage young adults across our globe to showcase their research skills in psychology and to present it in creative content expression.