Neuro - Linguistic Programming (NLP) is indeed an interactional communication system developed in the 1970s as a new method of language teaching by John Grinder, an adjunct professor of philosophy, and Richard Bandler, a professor of mathematics and graduate student of psychology. It is a combination of plans, techniques, and patterns for effective communication, personal growth, and change.
In order to discover the structures of excellence, the original founders of NLP studied various patterns of opinions and interpretive experience of people with excellent behaviour (Revell & Norman, 1997). They genuinely think that all behaviours have certain structures, and that by discovering and modelling excellent patterns, it is possible to recreate the same patterns and achieve the same favourable results.
The intervention of four pillars that are being set for the Neuro - Linguistic Programming (NLP) was given by O'Connor and McDermott, 1996, it was later upheld by Revell and Norman in the very next year in 1997. Those four key pillars of NLP are mentioned below:
Key Pillars of NLP Rapport
According to Delbio and Ilankumaran, one of the core tenets of neuro linguistic programming is effective communication and rapport is thought to be very important in this regard because it maximises similarities and minimises discrepancy between individuals. It is believed that in order to develop rapport, teachers should mimic student behaviours, which is possible through "mirroring." Cooperation is an acceptance that develops subconsciously between people. According to Silva, NLP strategies are effective at fostering rapport or empathy and can be used to strengthen the bond between teacher and student.
Sensory Awareness
Sensory competency or awareness refers to the ability of individuals to become aware of the surroundings and events through the use of their senses. According to NLP, this understanding is critical for your success. Individuals used to do things without thinking about what actually does work and what doesn't.
Outcome Thinking
This pillar is concerned with the objectives of individuals; it signifies that individuals should know what they want and set clear goals for their own selves, as high accuracy is essential for success.
Behaviour Flexibility
It is related to overall adaptability in the situation. In general, one of the most valuable paths of neuro - linguistic programming is to encourage people to increase the behavioural flexibility and adaptability in different situations, as well as to accept life's changes. Being able to generate many different approaches to do things (flexibility) increases your chances of success seeing as if what you are doing now is not working, you can essentially choose to perform something else.
English communication is a fundamental ability that is necessary for success in this globalised world. Given its enormous utility value, English is regarded as the world's dominant language. The most widely used and current language in the world is English (Khan, 2011). In this digital age, the English language has become one of the most crucial tools for communication worldwide ( Khan, 2011).
The use of NLP techniques by English Foreign Language (EFL) teachers can improve communication with students, improve the learning environment, foster positive interactions, and create an environment that is much more welcoming and friendly, all of which will ultimately improve academic effectiveness. English language teachers can use NLP to help learners achieve practical results, identify their own learning motivations, develop their personality and interpersonal skills, and become more emotionally engaged in the classroom environment, which will help them feel more at ease when approaching any problems.
NLP can also help young reader's attention in the classroom in addition to writing. NLP algorithms can provide students with automatic feedback on the strength of the self explanations and reading sample summaries, both of which are important components of reading comprehension. NLP is especially beneficial for English language learners. NLP can enhance the pace and the quality of vocabulary acquisition by constructive direction on both the structure and functions of grammatical structures. Aside from directly improving students' language skills, NLP attributes can also allow instructors to better comprehend what is going on intellectually with their students.
Recent studies have concentrated on NLP predictive variables of student individual differences such as word recognition, cognitive function, and identity. Understanding neuro - linguistic programming allows educators to comprehend what drives students and adapt how they indoctrinate learning to suit them. This area provides learning strategies that assist students in developing capabilities for more optimum solution learning as well as tools for teachers to deal with developmental delays.
The use of NLP techniques by English Foreign Language (EFL) teachers can improve communication with students, improve the learning environment, foster positive interactions, and create an environment that is much more welcoming and friendly, all of which will ultimately improve academic effectiveness. English language teachers can use NLP to help learners achieve practical results, identify their own learning motivations, develop their personality and interpersonal skills, and become more emotionally engaged in the classroom environment, which will help them feel more at ease when approaching any problems. Each person has a preferred learning style, such as kinesthetic, auditory, or visual. When the Preferred Representational System (PRS) of the learners was matched, it was discovered that NLP increased the learners' ability to articulate themselves. Previously, they were unable to freely communicate their complex thoughts. Therefore, it was clear that learning was successful when the PRS of the students were matched with the teaching style. Teachers must therefore be aware of the Preferred Representational System (PRS) in order to adapt their teaching methods to the learners' improved communication skills (Winch, 2005).
According to research by Arjulayana et al. (2018), NLP helped students' English language proficiency. The researcher went on to say that NLP was discovered to be an excellent method for assisting pupils in learning English. According to Rosemarin (2016), the NLP approach has modelling tools to foster strategic thinking in the learners and enhance language learning as cited by Arjulayana et al. (2018). According to Baker and Rinvolucri (2005), the NLP approach entails strengthening language skills, thinking strategies, student beliefs, behaviour, and proficiency in accurate communication (2018).
The field of teaching and learning known as Neuro Linguistic Programming has enormous potential and emphasises the value of communication in all vocations. Using a variety of tactics and strategies, NLP helps students achieve academic greatness based on guiding concepts and presumptions that influence how we communicate.
Begum, Dr. A. J., Paulraj, Dr. I. J. M., & Banu, Dr. S. H. (2022). Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) as a Promising Technique of Communicative English Language Teaching. Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 5(3), 100–104.
Rayati, M. (2021). Neuro-linguistic Programming and its Applicability in EFL Classrooms: Perceptions of NLP-Trained English Teachers. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 24, 44–64.
The Article NLP AS A PROMISING TECHNIQUE OF COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING has been contributed by Nidhi Panchal and Peer Reviewed by Sanika Sharma. Nidhi Panchal is an inquisitive student pursuing her Bachelor's in Psychology with great dedication, and is adaptable to a different perspective and tend to build knowledge and experience with proper strategy management
Sanika Sharma is a Psychology Graduate. She is an avid reader and a curious learner. She is inclined towards a holistic understanding of concepts and thus inclines towards interdisciplinary research.
They are a part of the Global Internship Research Program (GIRP). GIRP is an IJNGP initiative to encourage young adults across our globe to showcase their research skills in psychology and to present them in creative content expression.