Neuro-Rhythmic Non-Predictable Somatic Intervention
In our day-to-day lives, we undergo a variety of stressors and challenges, ranging from traffic, adjustment to new environments to relationship and familial conflicts. Sometimes, these stressors can have a major impact on individuals, distorting their functioning and causing emotional dysregulation.
This collaborative research aims to understand the longevity of the impact of unwanted resources after the intervention.
Through this initiative, we aim to engage in the practical application of the concepts of neurolinguistic programming and how one can work with the impact of trauma. This study is driven by the need to address research gaps on the long term effectiveness of the upcoming technique of neuro-rhythmic non-predictable somatic interventions on emotional experience and regulation of Indians.

A carefully selected group of twelve individuals will undergo rigorous training conducted by industry professionals over the course of 30-45 days. This training will equip them with specialised skills and knowledge necessary to effectively assess emotional experiences and carry out the intervention.
Once trained, they will utilise the tools and techniques learned during training to collect valuable data. This data will be meticulously documented and regularly analysed to identify significant observations and emerging trends. The participants’ emotional experiences and intensity of positive and negative emotions would be assessed again after a period of six months to determine the long term efficacy of the intervention.
Research Design

Project Timeline

Project Guidelines
The project may be analysed for preparing a research article. People who contributed to the project in its entirety will get co-authorship credits if the article is published or the report is released.
No material or collected data can be used as part of another project by individuals part of the project. They understand and give full consent to not using the data or results of this project, in parts or as a whole, in any work that is not part of the foundation work without prior permission.
Aspects of the project, as parts or as a whole, may be recorded for record-keeping. Individuals agree and give consent to different aspects being recorded and shared for learning and training purposes.
IJNGP is part of a foundation. Any exchange of funds for this project contributes to the fundraiser, supporting the advancement of research and ensuring the subject remains active.