The International Journal of Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology (JNGP) is dedicated to promoting the study and research in the areas of Neurolinguistics, Gestalt Psychology and Therapy. IJNGP publishes research articles and reviews within the whole range of Neurolinguistics and Gestalt.
This journal follows the open-access policy. It is a peer-reviewed journal that releases 2 issues per year and serves as a platform for the enrichment, articulation and support of the constantly emerging field of Research in Neurolinguistics, Gestalt Psychology and Therapy
This journal aims to provide a platform for students, established and budding researchers, teachers, mental health professionals, and linguists. The journal welcomes articles related to empirical or theoretical research and is keen on building a harmonious community among its members. The publications of papers are selected through double peer-reviewed to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The articles published in our journal can be accessed online and is open to researchers, scholars, and members of the public to access and build upon the work that has been published in the journal.
IJNGP expects all the articles or papers to be original and is not been published previously or submitted to any journal for consideration for publication. All the articles or papers must adhere to the style and the ethics of the IJNGP. All the articles or papers will be thoroughly reviewed and edited by expert reviewers and language editors before consideration for publication.
International Journal of
Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology
Aims and Scope
IJNGP aspires to be at the forefront of disseminating important information and research data related to Neurolinguistics, Gestalt Psychology and Therapy. It is dedicated to publishing articles of empirical and theoretical research.
The mission of IJNGP Journals is to provide a platform to the global scientific community for cutting-edge research and advancements in Neurolinguistics, Gestalt Psychology and Therapy.
Support and promote quality research in fields relevant to the journal;
Provide opportunities to researchers in early stages of their career as well as established researchers;
Dissemination and advancement of scientific knowledge; and
Contribute toward publishing data relevant to the field.
International Journal of Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology (IJNGP) is a journal that publishes articles that contribute new experimentation and theoretical work in areas of Neurolinguistics and its foundation, applications, and concepts through all descriptions and developments.
The journal invites publications of high-quality papers on NLP and Gestalt.
Editorial Board
The editorial board of IJNGP has highly experienced professionals from different parts of the world. The Board Members include people with 40+ years of experience in NLP and Gestalt Psychology. We have uniquely designed this platform to well integrate the youth of our nation. These young minds run the Execution body.
Types of manuscripts
INJGP welcomes articles on empirical research, systematic reviews, brief reports, and viewpoints.
Note: The number mentioned under ‘word limit’ for each type is excluding acknowledgements, abstracts, tables and figures, and references.
1. Empirical Research
Empirical Research articles entail original work in the development, application, or evaluation of neurolinguistics- or gestalt-based studies.
It is not mandatory for the articles to be driven on hypotheses. For instance, researchers can take an innovative approach of describing a new method or model or evaluating a new model.
The abstract must be structured and should contain the following headings and must not exceed 250 words excluding keywords (maximum 6). The main text should contain a section on Introduction followed by the abstract headings in detail.
Word limit: min. 3000 words; max. 5000 words
Abstract: max. 250 words + 6 keywords
Tables & Figures: max. 5 (combined)
References: no limit
2. Reviews
Review articles contain systematic reviews of existing literature in the fields related to the journal. It must help organize, synthesize, evaluate, or identify patterns or research gaps in current literature.
The structure of the article is the same as described above for Empirical Research.
Word count: up to 4000 words.
Abstract: max. 250 words + 6 keywords
Tables & Figures: max. 5 (combined)
References: unlimited.
3. Brief Reports
Brief Reports are short versions of Empirical Research articles, typically describing focused approaches to solve a particular problem, or preliminary evaluation of a novel system or methodology.
Word count: min. 1000; max. 2000 words
Abstract: max. 150 words
Tables & Figured: max. 3 (combined).
References: no limit
4. Viewpoints
Viewpoints report on the perspectives of an individual or organization on topics relevant to the journal. Viewpoints could include future research directions or current trends and controversies, and success or failure of a specific methodology. They should be precise, focused and backed by evidence wherever possible. Further, it is preferred that the authors have considerable experience in the topic.
Word limit: max. 1500 words.
Abstract: max. 150 words.
Tables & Figures: max. 3 (combined)
References: no limit
Submission Guideline/ Instructions for Authors
Submission Guideline/ Instruction for Authors
The paper should strictly follow the APA guidelines.
The first page should involve the Title, Author names, Organisation/Institution the authors attend, author note, corresponding authors email Id should have a star [*]
The abstract should not be more than 250 words and should have 4-6 key words
To know the formatting, font, size, etc. refer to the sample below. (click here for sample document)
Avoid any kind of endnotes and footnotes
References must comply by APA format strictly
Word-limit for the paper excluding abstract and references is 1500-5000 words
All the questionnaires, scales or any other reference material used should be provided in appendix
Contribution of the authors should be included honestly
Conflict of Interest should be mentioned before references if any
Credits should be given where-ever due
All manuscripts will be treated as confidential documents
Fields of Research
Personality Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Clinical and child psychology
Perception, Cognitions and cognitive neuroscience.
Positive Psychology
Psychopathology and Psychotherapy
Cultural Psychology
Individual differences and behaviour genetics
Behavioural and Cognitive neuroscience
Manuscripts Guidelines
The followings guidelines should be followed.
1.Title Page
Following information must be included in the title page of the article:
Title of the article.
Full name, postal address, e-mail and telephone number of the corresponding author.
Full name, department, institution, city and country of all co-authors.
2.Main Document
The manuscript must be submitted in a Word format, and NOT as a pdf.
It must include the following sections:
Title Page
Main Body, including the headings and subheadings
Tables and Figures must be cited in the main text in numerical order
References in APA 7 format
The in-text citation and bibliography must follow APA 7th edition format, and the authors must check for the accuracy prior to submission.
Please visit https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples to know more.
Journal Policies
1.Manuscript submitted to IJNGP cannot be submitted elsewhere and vice a versa.
2.Students are advised to mention the program they are undertaking. The primary affiliation for the authors should be their current organization/institution they are associated with.
3. If the manuscript contains any kind of personal information of any person, email permission from the quoted person is required.
4.The journal reserves all rights to reject a paper at any step of the process, regardless of its acceptance at any stage if
there are issues with it's scientific content and/or our publishing policies seem to be violated.
5.A statement of responsibility is required to be submitted with or within the manuscript specifying the contribution of each author.
6. There would be only one submitting/corresponding author irrespective of their responsibility/contribution for all the communication with IJNGP.
7.Before submission, the corresponding author ensures that all authors are included in the author list, its order has
been agreed by all authors, and that all authors are aware that the paper was submitted.
8. IJNGP Editorial Board Members shall not be handling any manuscripts involved in cases of conflict in interest
and/or financial aspect. This includes but dosen't limit to having the submitted manuscript previously published with
one or more authors.
9. Paper submissions by Journal team member is welcome and same policies shall be applicable for them. They shall
not be given any kind of priority, special treatment. Such authors will not be a part of the review team for their paper.
10.Manuscript submitted to the journal must be original and not plagarised and/or submitted and/or published previously.
This rule applies to manuscripts submitted elsewhere while the IJNGP contribution is under consideration.
11. IJNGP does not share any details of any of its submissions/manuscripts received to other organizations that are under consideration or thag have been rejected.
12. Acceptable plagarism is strictly upto 10%. Anything more than that shall be outright rejection. Due credits should be cited at all costs.
Publishing Process

1.The author submits the article as per the instructions laid down on the website.
The papers are reviewed initially to check the following aspects of the research.
The paper matches the aim of the Journal
If it is interesting
The writing quality
The instructions are followed
Once, the content of the paper conforms to the above, it passes the initial screening and moves to the Review stage.
On passing the screening test, the manuscript is then processed to the peer review committee. They provide detailed feedback based on the different spectrum's of the paper. This feedback is submitted to the editorial board for the final decision.
We follow the Double- blind peer review process.
Herein, the decision is taken based on the reviews received from the reviewing committee.
Acceptance without any changes
Acceptance with minor revisions
Acceptance with major changes
Revise and resubmit
Once your paper is accepted, it enters the phase of type-setting. Here your paper is edited and structured as per the publishing house guidelines.
This team checks up the entire paper in accordance with the set guidelines to make sure, the type-setter team did not miss out on anything.
It is shared with the Author for another round of proof-reading and once we receive a thumbs up from the author, we begin with the publishing and printing process.
2.Initial screening
3.Peer Review
5.Final Decision is communicated labeled as the following-
6. Type-setting
7. Proof-Reading
Publication Fee
On application
On approval
For Students
For additional mentorship and support, write to office@ijngp.com
Bonafide student less than the age of 24 from a college/ university having an identity card for the current academic year.